Charfield Angling Association (CAA)
The CAA controls fishing on the Little River Avon between Damery up to Charfield and also on the Ozleworth Brook up to the road bridge just below Renishaws. The fishing is suited to anglers who enjoy small river fishing for Brown Trout and Grayling, plus the odd Chub and Roach. Access is limited as deep drops offs, steep, often slippery banks and fallen trees must be negotiated to fish the river effectively.
The members area of this website requires a password (issued to members when they join). It holds Association documents for reference (including information on all Beats, Health & Safety Guidance and Risk assessments, insurance details, the Association's Constitution, plus materials from the last AGM). The CAA Facebook Group (access granted upon joining) is for fishing reports, etc.
This public part of the CAA website provides brief information and a place for potential new members to record their interest in joining. If you would like to join the CAA please enter your details via the Contact page. Membership is limited (to control pressure on the river) with Senior Membership currently full and a waiting list in place. The Membership Secretary will make contact with individuals on the waiting list when a vacancy arises. There are vacancies for Juniors.
Senior Members who have submitted a Catch Return for the previous year may request a 1 day Guest Ticket to secure temporary membership for a friend or family member to accompany them to fish. This is a great way to introduce individuals to angling who might not otherwise get the opportunity or know how to get involved.
Recent CAA river stewardship activities
- ARMI Riverfly surveys: started in 2010. 3 sites regularly monitored.
- Water quality sampling: part of the Angling Trust River Quality Monitoring Initiative, monitoring nitrate and phosphate content. Recent samples indicate high level for both.
- Working parties plus plastic/rubbish removal: In 2023 we conducted 5 working parties, 3 dedicated balsam pullsing sessions and one dedicated ltter pick.
- Himalayan Balsam removal: Hundreds of these non-native invasive plants were pulled up by CAA members in 2024 when they were by the river, good for biodiversity.
- Poaching: No recent issues. However, if you see poaching please follow the procedures in the Members area of this site & alert the Committee.